Traveling is difficult at times. As long as I can move, I am determined to see more of the world each everyday.
On what I walk to see...
"Objects do not have any intrinsic meaning- that meaning is conferred on them by us- and that different people, and the same person at different times, may confer different meanings on the same object." (Hammersley, 1989, p. 135)
Put this up simply for the sake of wanting to view it using google earth plug-in... lol
Too many pictures in one location... as a result, sort of difficult to see them pictures.
But... just a different means of recounting the journey, I guess... (took more a far longer time to get this google earth plug-in thing right then to climb up da pony hill though.... lol)
Please clickhere to view the map using google earth.
It took me hours to go from 110th and Broadway down to Lincoln Center on Sept. 19th, 2011- not knowing that that the subway systems also got crippled by the water main break as I was crippling aimlessly away from my Upper West side.
I think I might have heard something about the disruption in the subway services when I went to get my metrocard recharged at the 72nd street station. However, I paid it no mind because there is no disability access at 110th station, which makes busing a better option.
Not to mention, my psychotic symptoms were having a field trip... as a result, I was in a phase of paying no nothing no mind anyways. lol
Somehow, I landed at Lincoln center and spent hours messmorized by the water going up and down da fountain at Lincoln Center.
It was the other day when I was doing my diva's lament about how I was too busy doing God knows what before the accident and not making it to see the cherry blossoms either in Riverside park.
Down the memory lane today, I went back to the old pix I took all the way back... to years before the accident... and found something strange in the picture...