On what I walk to see...

"Objects do not have any intrinsic meaning- that meaning is conferred on them by us- and that different people, and the same person at different times, may confer different meanings on the same object." (Hammersley, 1989, p. 135)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Toucheng train station 頭城火車站

On our way to Hualien, the train went past Toucheng train station (頭城火車站) without stopping...

Many an endless summer day and night, I sat there wondering what it be like to be an adult...

The same town where I felt desperate because 楚留香couldn't have been stabbed by 蘇蓉蓉...

Then, as the train was going by the Toucheng train station 頭城火車站 and while I was taking this clip, my dad and I were busy talking about where grand parents' place was...  so he might have said... "That's the old house" while I replied... not yet there...

Ended up he was speaking of the dormitory of Railway company by the train station they used to lived in when he was a kid.

Same train station... same and different notions of old house and childhood... 老家與童年.


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