On what I walk to see...

"Objects do not have any intrinsic meaning- that meaning is conferred on them by us- and that different people, and the same person at different times, may confer different meanings on the same object." (Hammersley, 1989, p. 135)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

台北故事舘Taipei Story House

Taipei Story House (台北故事舘)  was built by the tea merchant Chen Chao-chun (陳朝駿) in 1913 and was completed in 1914.  Apparently, at the height of his time, his property extended beyond where the Taipei Fine Arts Museum and reached the waterfront....  Sort of reminded me of the story of Yuyuan (豫園)..  The house changed hands various times throughout the years.  In 2003, the formerly known as "圓山別莊" was transformed into a mini-museum holding exhibitions such as "Story of Carrier Bag" (手提袋的故事展) that I came across.

Taipei Story House (台北故事舘)  it is a half-timbered faux Tudor style building- supposed to be a rarity in Taiwan.  At the front entrance are the iconic style columns.  The Gothic-style house tower and chimney are made of bricks with the curved garbles decorated with bronze tiles.  Outside of the house is the European style garden.

What I attended to was the beautiful architecture- a combination of bricks, woods,  bronze tiles and glass window.  The fireplaces, the ceiling and the overall configuration of the interior configurations are some other things to attend to when you are inside. I was told that the furniture were no longer original, though.  On the second floor sat one of the first (if not first) vertical piano built by Yamaha.  The piano was built in 1915- a year younger than the house itself.

Since the house is small and there was no place to install an elevator, I had to climb all the way up to the second floor.  Good job to myself!  Then, I took a break sitting on the bench by the fireplace... leisurely working on my DWM...  How gemütlich a working environment (except for doesn't get pay too well... priceless... or nada... more exactly since it's a book I am working on. lol)

After my visit to the Taipei Story House, I had wanted to drop by at the Cafe and get some more work done- only to find out that a special event was taking place and the cafe was closed to the others.  I, thus, wondered away and landed at Let's Drink Cafe at the Pavilion of (Native) Aroma... where, again, I leisurely plowed away with work while enjoying the sight of landing planes every so often.

By the time I got back out, I realized that it had turned dark on the outside and I got to see the beautiful night scene of the building under the lights although it is not the Friday night grade of special lights.  Yet, I am happy enough about it since I had not expected myself to stay long enough to see the Taipei Story House in the night!

So ist das leben!  The magically haphazard nature of life!


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